
Archive for July, 2012

There’s a lady in West Texas who started a business selling tumbleweeds. It’s true. Businesses as far away as Mumbai have tumbleweeds decorating the corners of their banks and furniture outlets.

But, that lady didn’t do it by herself. She didn’t make her business! She had help. She had a first grade teacher who taught her to read books about Pecos Bill and learn what a tumbleweed was. She had track coaches who taught her to run so she could catch those dad-blastit fast tumbleweeds in the High Plains wind.  She had government postal workers who stamped and mailed those boxed tumbleweeds overseas. And, she had regulators who helped her give back to those who made her successful.

No, she’s not smarter than anyone else. There are many people out there who could have become entrepreneurs in tumbleweeds. But, they will wait until someone helps them.

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How You Broke My Heart

My heart – you broke it, sorta

You started with the aorta

then tugged at the veins and arteries,

unplugged the main part of me.

Next you closed the right ventricle,

choked it tight and then you pulled,

shocking the valves.

You shouldn’t have interrupted the rhythm

and messed with ’em.

But, that’s romance.

You take a chance

when you trust your heart to mortal hands.

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